What is Coaching?
Coaching is a way of working with people that focuses on supporting them to improve an area of their life they would like to change. The focus can be to learn and try out new skills in order to improve their performance or to improve greater wellbeing. The precise focus is agreed upon at the first session and we then work through a series of steps to arrive at the solution.
The focus is always on the solution and what needs to change in order to reach it. I specialise in study skills and exam techniques as well as harnessing motivation and learning power. I also work with anxiety, as well as exam stress, but the framework can be used with any issue.

What is Positive Psychology Coaching or Strength Coaching?
The starting point is often what is going well already and we start with a positive focus. The benefits of positive emotions should not be under estimated and often there are many areas that are working well. This may draw on neuroscience and the science of happiness.
The Strengths coaching is based on the VIA Character strengths framework developed by Peterson and Seligman (see and is seen as one of the key concepts within the positive psychology movement and consists of 24 different character traits or capacities that we all have to a lesser or greater extent.
The process may include ‘psycho-education’ about how our brains work in terms of emotion and motivation. From this positive basis, tasks and solutions can be applied in order to reach the agreed upon goal. Common reasons for coaching include:
- Improving study skills and organisational skills including exam preparation and techniques
- Managing anxiety, mild depression and generally improving wellbeing and happiness
- Developing emotional and academic resilience
When is the best time to do it?
This coaching process is particularly helpful at certain times such as after exams if results are disappointing, prior to exams if anxiety is high, when preparing the UCAS statement, when facing a dilemma or choice of some sort.
How long does it last?
Each session is around 1 hour and the final minutes are spent agreeing on some actions that the coachee (the person being coached) will try out in real life before the next session. This is agreed together and the coachee will leave with a document that lists the tasks.
I have found that 3 sessions relatively close together, weekly or fortnightly, should then be followed by a final session 4 – 6 weeks later to review progress and make any necessary adjustments. This 3 + 1 Model has been found to be enough to create change and allow the coachee to continue the journey independently. If an issue is very entrenched, however, more sessions may be needed but this will be discussed and negotiated.
Where does the coaching take place?
Coaching can be carried out either at my home office or at the school or workplace, whichever is most appropriate.
I also carry out coaching via Skype or Face Time for those who are not so local or find travelling difficult.
What People Are Saying
"Meeting you, the assessment and all the feedback has for us been “life changing’. I feel like we finally have a clarity and approaches to move forwards very positively. V and I are so grateful and we can’t thank you enough for your professionalism, clarity and kindness."
"Thank you so much for everything you have done with A – it really is much appreciated. It has been very good for his self esteem to have his strengths articulated as he often forgets them when thinking about the negatives"
"The Strengths evaluation was helpful in that it helped me to get a different view point and to see things in a different manner in terms of giving me 5 ways in which to tackle problems"
"Whilst working together and being able to articulate freely and talk problems through with Jeanette really helped me solve the issues I wanted to resolve. Although I came to the conclusions myself I couldn’t have got there without Jeanette’s help"
"The assessment does seem to have really helped I, - perhaps giving her the realisation that if she doesn’t understand something it’s not because of lack of intelligence but just needing things explained in a different way, which is great"
"I found the sessions very helpful, especially the positive psychology approach. I liked the practical tasks that meant I didn’t just come and talk but was actively making changes. I always felt encouraged after our sessions. Thank you"
Ready to Make a Change?
Get in touch to have a conversation to see how I can help you to achieve your goals whether they are achievement focused or emotionally focused.